Turn your patients into guests...
Smarter, Faster, More Affordable – with a bigger smile...
The dental profession has never been more competitive. The combination of high-performance private
practices and retail dentistry with extensive marketing budgets has made attracting and retaining quality
patients more difficult than ever. A practices’ ability to highlight your patients’ immediate needs, respond with
immediate care and make care affordable all while integrating with the level of care your patients have come
to expect is the key to success and profitability.
Stop selling dentistry - create a buying environment.
Making Quality care affordable-Patient financing as a marketing tool
Point of Care (same day dentistry) a critical practice tactic.
Consumer Motivation Vs. Healthcare Buyer Motivation
Consumer goods-and-services marketing is focused on “pride of ownership” (e.g. the new car, latest cell
phone, current fashion, etc.). However, other than cosmetic makeovers and in some cases dental implants,
with healthcare-buyer motivation, “the patient does not take pride of ownership in ill-health. In most cases, the
patient is embarrassed about an affliction and its associated stigma, even to the extent of denial. Today
healthcare buyer requires a different a different approach than dealing with a “consumer goods-and-services”
buyer. It’s more about messaging.
Confuse the consumer and they won’t buy - understand “how they buy” and “Why they buy”
Healthcare providers must convey information to patients that will modify their behavior and bring about better outcomes. (See article on Rebranding – Inside Dentistry March 2019).
Elevate the dental concern from “just a dental” problem to a potential serious medical concern
Practice Membership Programs
The US is turning into a membership economy with all the benefits for the consumer and the organization
offering membership programs. With the lack of consumer response from insurance companies, consumers
are open to new healthcare models.
Disruption- No different than Uber is to the Taxi business (convenient, cost effective, providing immediate
value Vs. not timely, more expensive and less convenient), membership plans will be disruptive to the dental
insurance industry
Membership plans must be true membership plans with membership benefits- not just In-House Discount plans.
Practices that that build Multi-channel distribution will win big in the next few years.
Due to “Consumerization”, there is now room in the market for consumer-grade healthcare products and digital tools to ensure these products are available to large audiences, in new ways.